Facebook=Myspace as a floor and Google for walls and ceiling

I just think that is all it is, the wall, the IM, myspace is/was for musicians, the weekend photos gave the winkelvi the idea for H edu, combine that with the functionality of msn (which all children of the simpsons expect from computers) and you realize, facebook was a social network, but isn't any longer, simply because social can't expand much past where facebook, mobile, is at. So now it can only aspire to be page rank google ad words.

some people may not agree, their entitled, this article and its accompanying commments, not really an article yes a see the comments spelling mistake, more a blog post, sums it all up

Nothing but appreciation for all boredom ever experienced

I appreciate the ability to just, be bored. No expectations except the ability to just rest the mind for a bit, go to work, be happy for it and just, slowly go about my life, appreciating that I can. Remember, somehow, just be aware of yourself and what your doing.
Ok. I happen to be lucky enough to have watched ZDNet which then became Tech TV which then became G4, I was in Canada and saw it in the Grey Area. Anyway, I always liked the Screen Savers because I didn't know much about PCs formally but knew I had to learn, it was the dark days of desktop video editing and SCSI drives, and learning that the unit currency was probably going to be a Gig. It was probably 1999, maybe late 98. Leo and Patric were nice guys, who talked so much, that even if they were bullshitting, well, they couldn't be, nobody can just stream out all that talk of routers, and the rest of that chazahrye for as long and with as much enthusiasm as these two, and an animated as Leo would. You just believed them. When Leo left, I cared, and I really wasn't sure why. As I got better with computers, and eventually got one in 2004 for myself, I wondered and knew for sure, he had to be around somewhere. Enter Twit, I think I started listening around episode 120s, and I probably have most of them scattered somewhere. Here he was, unencumbered by the horseless carriage of network/cable tv doing nothing but being himself. Which as a loyal loyal listener, I mean, as an aside I found a cdr, with an .ASF video file for April 20, that I probably got from Suprnova of Call For Help, cause I no longer had access to a tv, but read that Leo was not going to be on whatever it was called anymore and I wanted that episode, turns out I was off, he wasn't even on that show but I made the effort and still have the disc, and after another scan through, probably the second in the 6 years I've had it. He wasn't on this show. So, my point, after I've so eloquently contextualized where I am going with this.

Leo's TwiT community, is probably the best on the net for what it does. Tetradically, it retrieves the broadcast decorum he inherited as a host all those years, his brushes with the big three and the ZD ubiquity and puts it online. So again, it is a living example of what technology is supposed to do, progress society forward in order to retireve its past. DJs using Serato and Final Scratch are doing this and have (thanks Plastikman) for almost a decade now.

Sure, sometimes in the real time content creation Leo does say somethings that are probably not the brightest things, one particular thing will always come to mind. However, I can't think of any other online content producer who consistantly provides such a relevant and reliable form for what interests me than the flagship show This Week in Technology, stalwarts Dvorak, meh on Calacanis but he's always entertaining, I just think his ad hoc east coast carbon copy is just annoying in its lack of originality, he should give Leo some kind of weekly royalty. The guests indicate Leo's cache and the verisimilitude of his impact in technology as a whole, is truly real on the cultural side of it, which if I may run this sentence on a little longer (since you should pay me for having your mind say these words outside of an FSG published rag), is symbiotic to the technological development of it, allowing for, in a word or two, "the social side of computing."

Therefore, his credentials as a brand vestibule, between technological epochs, are inscrutable. TWiT has Mike O'Reilly and related guests on talking about Gov 2.0, or his daughter coming on with accomplished University students talking straight up about how they use the net. This is relevant stuff, TWiG the Google show, outside of Jarvis' constant name dropping, low Germanisms is a great show. Gina Trapini is the embodiment of the kind of person who you know would probably help you develop something truly great in the software world, she is a true nerd, which is a great thing to be. The other shows too, what they do, is provide an actual function, giving you useful impressions by those who are involved in making them, on subjects of interest to people with brains, alive tofuckingday.

Further to the present now, the latest show TWiT 266, has regular guests: Dvorak, Baratunde Thurston, a recontexualized G Trapini, and the Bits blog writer, Nick Bilton, who isn't British like I instinctively thought he would be.

This was a great show, and recently there were a slew, with Adam Currie and the Digg guy that everyone loves, I merely respect and like a lot and have forgotten, with respect exactly his name, I will remember before I finish without consultation, I know its not Patric.

Anyway, so the show discussed Bilton's book, the current NYT and how they have hackers there and just generally how they are assimilating with the times, ok. Quashing rumours about the social network non dedicated device forays, as surmised by the guy Leo told to fuck off live, another reason to like Leo, he has passion. Thing thats cool though, is that, this show may have rattled off all the most relevant sites and subjects of the current technology unfoldment: the 2chan tribute site taking down the sites of the idiots who try and patrol bits of the opposite of amateur hour, which is obviously awesome though the subject is so oblivious is the only downfall, using wikipedia to verify facts, Youtube monetization issues. One thing that pissed me off though, which has nothing to do with the show specifically, however the brooklyn lovefest, let's face it, Brooklyn and brooklyn are two different spots. Brooklyn is a place with cheaper real estate, that was until it became the gentrification capital of North America, where all a band has to do is get a gimmick, move there and see who has the best vintage clothes, so they can make their journalists friends job easier in the intro paragraph, and I use the term journalist with caution.

The single greatest insight of this show, is the mention of how Youtube took down one of the shows that sampled a bit from SNL. Leo is in the perfect position to move something forward, I won't actually say what it is, yet, however, well, that's it. I made most of my point, type in TWiT in google, you will become a fan, or don't, which would prove nothing other than that your in the majority.

Quick note on Youtube content ID, it more than likely works in the exact same way as the app Shazam, which I'm merely guessing, works similar to CDDB. A database of waveforms and or song lengths exists, like CDDB, if there is a match than its done. So its like, CDDB influence, song length, waveform image, confirmation and filter to confirm song.

With video, there has to be a hardwired watermark of all major media content, in each frame, this content id looks for an image match and thats it, cause you can upload shit from SNL just flip it horizontally.

Regarding FAIR USE, as long as you don't steal revenue....ohhh, Pandora time? Probably not, cause the world of Hollywood, which is in a constant game of flaccid foreplay with policy lobbyists, they continue to drive forward on a mountain while refusing to look in the windshield but are just staring at the rear view, while they cycle through litigation schemes to cover the damage to themselves that they choose to inflict.

And finally, the irony, sure, white rap parodies by hipsters are inelastic and forever engaging, RU Sirius, Mark Hosler, Don Joyce and The Edge had a great prank about this issue from 1993 that resounds today as the issue of our fucking stupid policy moronic age


All I know is, when this issue happens to Leo, its the true beginning of the beginning.

ps: pay per bit, mobile media on demand, i know/have known everything regarding the need for recontextualized content promotion being the way that media on demand is the methodology for a satisfying range of scope within the retrieval of the living room, where collective national Ed Sullivanism aren't scheduled but viral and only collective through the mediaiton and coordination of mobile device to create flash audiences for streaming events.


Listened to the last 8 hours of The Facebook Effect

First off, it's nice to hear the other oft quoted Mcluhanism, anywayz. Transparency. No choice really, it's the physics of karma painting the invisible with that which was barely known subjectively and objectively. The kid will be contextualized for the human that he and we all are, good intentions, i'm guessing, that the twins, had a more paris hilton influence and the kid figured that, this shit had real legs, seeing that you didn't need to use your legs to get real, exactly. And the tetrad of communications continues, where hyperlinks, continue to be, that which propels the internet, mythologizing that which we've gotten the hang of as humans, til now.

End of Line. HA HA HA AHHAAHAHAhahahahah!

Regarding Managed Services and such

As I listened to TWiL 75, the discussion was Google Verizon letter to FCC, many thoughts, here are some:

So GnV wanna create a policy and it pertains to legacy (desktop connection essentially)

So Verizon is one company that provides access to the internet, Comcast is another, aligning with Google means whatever it means. Wouldn't a company like Comcast be pissed off by this?

I mean, it's confusing that people associate this debate with wireless, when its not, it's associated with wired connections.

I don't see why this is happening. Clearly, a commercial service based infrastructure is what Google and Verizon are trying to repurpose the legacy lines that already exist, that is what they want to do here. They want to change the law for the net that currently exists wired right now. I feel this is not a good angle, they can only create a wireless commercial network that people pay for speed and service. The wired net as we currently know it should remain the way it is, being the trend forming research and development playground that it naturally is.

A commercial wireless network is the only viable solution to a services based network that has to essentially do a better job than the internet does know for providing services.

So let's go down to the core issue: streaming/downloading

A commercial wireless network should be like room service for a caveperson. In other words, on the net neutral net we currently have, there is a lot of navigation required still, there is a lot of content "hunting", it is basically the opening scene in 2001 everyday.

The commercial wireless network has to do a better job, and ultimately the only thing people will pay for is that which will save them time to provide for, for themselves.

Furthermore, the net we know now, provides the organic pattern development of trends, that a commercial network can attempt to and occasionally correctly commodify.

Anyway, cable providers, phone providers, and "OH YEAH" the rest of the world, will keep Google and Verizon in check because, we all know, things fucking change, fast when it comes to the internet, all the things that are usually formally defined online, wireless or not, get tweaked if they become too out of touch...napster, record industry, RIAA millions to recover thousands, Google and Verizon can ask for whatever they want, it will rest on them to maintain service that works for people.

About Facebook, Schmidt is right, thought he doesn't go far enough, ultimately, if you can't stand behind your actions, you're fucked.

Afilliatosophical Bricollaging from Me You Them on Vimeo.

Tom Lehrer on Colbert

I created a Facebook group, yea whatever, I felt it was a decent idea, to try and drum up interest in this idea.


The migration to mobility

I always thought you'd be at a lounge, having a couple drinks with friends, you have a good conversation, a lapse surfaces, and now you can use a device and solve the problem. What is going to happen in the next generation will be full on multitasked conversations in public places, obviously. Like overlays over your eyes, like any decent scifi depicts, Texting will evolve into video on demand created collages to underscore the deep irony of the moment, regarding privacy, who knows, people becoming researchers, globally scaled, i don't know, people are getting smarter, but only technically, they are being obfuscated from their intuition, this a the silver lining in privacy. Obvious aspects will always surface first, if the subject isn't aware, it's kinda like, well, now you know, maybe pay more attention next time.

A Serious Man

My take on the movie.

The ending. The kid goes to pay Fagle, the kid, Danny Gopnick, he symbolizes to me, the North American consumer. Clueless about the effects of computerization on the psyche. The frog in the heating pot the Mr Bungle references in the song Egg, all of it is a reference to the vortex of information overload, some review called it a call to God. Okay. So? For what? A sign. If one can't view a sign in the symbol of a tornado in the end of a movie, they don't see signs.

Anyway. The vortex is info overload, which we all know, data deluge, all that shit. As has been written, things get sucked into the vortex, some sink, some don't, those that don't, are usually spherical, makes sense right? old is new, go around, come around. anyway.


Cultural differences. On the one hand, Clive's dad wants Larry to accept the mystery that is life. If he doesn't he is threatened with a lawsuit, a lawsuit of slander for something that can't be proven, unless the very act of referencing the motivation behind the meeting of Clive's dad and Larry is in and of itself included as defense for Larry under his guess of the probability of his hunch about Clive. To me, this is China (I know Clive is Korean in the movie, doesn't matter, he's Asian, in the same way that everyone represents regionally in one way or another, accurate or not, for accuracy you could say he's whichever side of Korea doesn't allow western influence) and Google.

One doesn't want western culture influencing it's society that is completely immersed in obligations to service the clueless needs, of yes, western culture. The other essentially wants to sell culture to the manufacturer enabling a culture it doesn't want, based on information it isn't allowed to have, simply because they don't know any better.

So finite resources based on unusual and bizarre culture divides that are taken very seriously.
Dybbuk reference, it could mean many things, cultural misperceptions of east and west, spiritual ignorance, who knows.

The rabbi's advice: when there is no hope, we are the sum total of our actions. so, since we don't know what that means either, be good.

History and Communications: Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan : The Interpretation of History

Algorithms, or attempts at Improvising Logic, an Affirmation PSA

Humans will never go out of style, we've been lucky enough to be pioneers by design, our technologies as stated by a fellow Manitoban have the etymological origin with our bioogical design. Therefore video algorithms, can never really be truly accurate, at least not for another three to seven years, and even then, then only relevance that will be attained is via the corrections done by the human beings that review the results.

Regarding the books I've just included, I'm currently rereading The Gutenberg Galaxy, it basically talks about the foot in electronic and typographic worlds that we are still steeped in, its very insightful to the day to day, as a an artist who tries to makes sense of one's current milieu, the literature reference are endlessly interesting links that make me understand that Mcluhan's degree in Literature is very much like Kevin Mitnik's instinct regarding Social Engineering, it is hacking North American culture's verbal iconography, understanding the value behind that which we've been programmed to react to.

Laws of Media, simply look up the word tetrad and then go from there. Understanding Me, and Media and the Probes book, first is biography quite thorough and interesting, second and third, second is obvious in its ubiquity with the man himself, third, I haven't read but Probes are the experiments into the effects of the causes of technology that pretty much fueled all of Mcluhan's insights. As a recent Amazon RecommendORE, I can say that if you want to dust the cobwebs of the gelatin mold residing in the plant holder above your shoulders, look no further.